September Theme:
What message about your GPW discipline would you like to tell your younger self?
Doris Mady, Art — At 18 years old when I went to college I had no idea that I would put 70-hour weeks in at the advertising agencies where I worked. In talking to my colleagues, we all said we had to be “nuts” to do that, had to LOVE what we did or we would face a burnout. I did love it! Art has given like-spirited friends, destinations to visit/paint all over the world and opportunities as a kid I never would have imagined. Even though so many people didn’t/wouldn’t understand my zest for this life…I can look back at it with a smile on my face…younger self: go for it!
Adrienne Reedy, Music — As a Music member with GPW, I would tell my younger self to recognize the opportunity to use my music platform wisely. As a singer, I ask myself what do I want to say to the audience and I say it. It’s not just about the music or just about having a good voice but what questions do I want the hearer asking herself way after I’ve performed. When I have an audience, I don’t want to waste the opportunity to speak truth, provide wisdom or insight. Lastly, I ask myself how do I want the person to feel?
October Theme:
If you “had to do it all over,” what would that be? And why?