July Theme:

How has the act of creating your GPW discipline changed the way you are?

Linda Hortick The act of creating my GPW discipline has changed my routine. I used to do things when I was motivated. Now, I am motivated because I have a deadline. Letters Meeting.
     Letters meeting is very important to me because I meet the minds that will zoom into what I have written. They will look at every word I have written with a critical eye and advise me what works and what doesn’t.
     This feedback is important and valuable to me.  I respect all of the GPW in Letters and value their opinion.

Doris Mady — I believe so. My boyfriend used to say, “I wish you had a job…I saw you more when you were working.” He was absolutely correct although I didn’t want to admit it. Now I go to more galleries, speak to more people about my work and also GPW. Being the webmaster I also am keenly aware of what I’m accomplishing or putting off. Yet, I feel busy, busy, busy.

Adrienne Reedy — Although my GPW Discipline is Music, I came to GPW because I wanted to hone in on my writing skills. However, being a part of a group of creatives, I find that I live a life of creativity no matter where I turn, whether it’s developing my visual arts skills in watercolor, oil or pastels, or writing poetry, going to many Broadway shows and concerts to hear the music and experience the writing. I’m constantly looking for opportunities to develop as an artist. For instance, this month I’ll be in Seattle, for a writer’s workshop group. I hope it gets me back on track to finish my memoir. I find I’m most inspired when I’m around people who are working at developing their skills. That’s how I’ve changed, I can’t get enough. I’m now fully engaged in living a creative life thanks to Greenwich Pen Women!

August Theme:

What is your strategy for activating creativity?